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Fun and Games





                                                           CARNIVAL PROGRAMS                                                    


Shuffleboard Sets:  

(#C-SBA10)  Four 66" aluminum sticks, 4 brown & 4 yellow.  No court  layout.

Camps use them on black top area with  court laid out.   $89.75


(#C-SX) Scooter stacker. Hold up to 16 With handle allows easy towing $52.00

( C-HDS12SET).  With Handles not pictured. $122.00 set of 6     12"x12"

Model (# C-PGH1216)  With Handles .  Standard weight. Blue or yellow. $22.00  each. 12"x12"

Model (#C- HDS16SET) With  handles Heavy duty. 16"x16" Six colors $165.00

Call for pricing on 16"x16" by piece


(C-IP10)  Hand  pump 10" $3.20.

(#C-IP12) Hand pump with detachable hose  12" $4.98


<<<<<<<<<Electric 1/8th HP Compressor w/extension Hose & Gauge. Oil less. AC rated to 20PSI

(#C-EP110) $96.10 Picture on left



 Pressure gauge.  Inflate into ball to get exact pressure needed. With pressure release valve so balls are not over inflated  (C-AG1)  $13.75  Many counselors over inflate balls  so pressure  basketball  and  soccer is not right. Many counselors over inflate kickball causing them to expand and blow


Nickel plated inflating pins   (C-INB)  Pack of three $1.35 per pack) 



(C-EP1500) 1/4 hp, Whisper quiet cord diaphragm compressor. Delivers 125PSI. Complete with hose, gauge hose. UL listed  $94.40




Beanbags: Double reinforced soft vinyl shell. soft corners.  Non toxic plastic bead filling, packed in 12 assorted colors. 

I do not sell the cloth covered bags as they have a tendency to rip. 

4” x 4” are $18.40  per dz. (#C-BB4). 

5” x5” are $20.10  per dz. (#C-BB5). 

6” x 6” are $23.75 per dz. (#C-BB6). These bags listed are just plain colors.  

With the color name listed in bag (#C-CB55)  5"x5" only   22.00 






   Frisbees: .

Heavy weight Frisbee's  Assorted colors in each dozen. (#C-FD165)   $3.35 each    

$.3.15 each for 13 or more.  


Six  uncoated foam discs. Rounded corners. Set of 6 in six colors ( #C-FDSET )   $21.80

Six Rhino skin coating 8.5" rounded and grooved edge  (C-RDSET) $37.00

Flag Football: 1" nylon webbed belt, flags have Velcro attachment to belt w/ adjustable slides (#M-FFS1). Packed 12  $22.90 per dz.

 Each set contains 2 flags and 1 belt. Same flags from Champion ( #C-FFB1)

Colors: Blue, Green, Red and Yellow.


Triple Flag Set: 1 pc. design, 3 flags permanently attached to web belt. Snap apart  buckle. Entire belt comes off.  

Colors: Red and Yellow Green, or blue 


(# C-TFFY) Size 25" to 31"  29.00  dz

(#C-TFFA)  Size 32" to 42"  $31.00 dz

(#C-TFFAX) Size 40"-48"    $35.00  dz 

Min. of 12 of each size. The snap buckle is  preferred by Flag football Leagues.



Spot Markers: High visibility, 10" (#C-MSPSET) 6 colors to a box. Great for basketball, soccer, tennis, markers for your courts or field. 

$11.00 for set of 6. Excellent teaching aid for instructors to teach children proper positioning on basketball  court, tennis court etc. 

(#C-MSP) Set of 12   9" spot markers. Same as MSPSET $20.70

(C-XLMSPSET) 12" Poly spot marker  as above but 12" . Set of 6 colors $24.50

Also. 14" squares......Directional arrows.......Stars........Call or pricing


Rhino-Skin:  For Gaga and Dodgeball.......See ball page


Instructional Teaching Game Boards: Available for

Basketball, Baseball, Football, Hockey, Lacrosse, Soccer and Volleyball

Comes with Velcro attached erasable pen. Just wipe off with finger tip.

9"x 15"  $12.98 ea. Please list what sport.

These boards are reversible.  ( you can write on two sides.) Some boards have line up spaces on back, 1/2 court etc. 

Call with name of board you want. We will put in code number.

Rubber Horseshoe Sets:(#C-IHS1)) Indoor-outdoor 2 rubber mats with pegs $17.95 per set.  

Steel Horseshoes: Picture at bottom of page

Dual Timer Clock: (#C-DC100. Small table top dual event timer , 1'' display, features 24 four hour count up or down $19.90 each.

 Clock with buzzer. The most popular used by camps for basketball games.

Jump Ropes: Many varieties from 6 to 10 feet long.
Licorice Speed ropes w/vinyl rope and plastic handles. 



Licorice speed rope  #(C-SPR6 )  6' $22.00  (#C-SPR7) 7' $2500    (#C-SPR8) 8' $26.00    (#C-SPR9) 9' $28.00 

Plastic segmented. (#C-PR6) 6'  $25.00     (#C-PR7) 7' $26.00   (#C-PR8) 8'  $27,00   (#C-PR9) 9' $28.00 


OR  licorice  ropes  (#-C-DD12') $6.40     (#C- DD16') $8.00     (#C-DD30') $11.50


Ping Pong Racquets: Uni-structured, virtually indestructible racquet with simulated sand face. M-T8   $2.95

 (#C-PN2)   Sand face min. 12.   OR  (#C-PN1) Rubber Face, Wood handle. $2.95 ea., min. 12.

(#C-PN6)  7 ply. Sponge thickness 1,5mm. Spin control 2-4-7 laminated handle  Min of 6. $5.85 ea

(#C-PN9)  same as above but  with anatomic handle.  Min. of 6  $6.35 ea.

(#C-PN10) Same as above  but flared handle  Min. of 6 $6.15 ea.



(C-1STAR) gross (144) ping pong balls  Institutional  3 star orange OR white  balls  go to ball page


( #1STAR144) Gross ofi institutional ping pong ball (144) $32.50



Pinnies: Nylon with   ONE PIECE elastic waistband. 

(#C-NP1) Youth size available in black, blue, green, orange, red, white, and yellow. Packed 12 to a set.  $30.60 a  dozen. 

Please specify color.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>


(#C-NP2) Youth size With numbers from 1-12 printed on front and back. Packed 12. Cost $35.00. Please specify color Red, blue, Green or Gold.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>





Scrimmage Vests: Adult or youth size. 100% nylon mesh, elastic bottom, in black, gold, kelly, maroon, navy, orange, purple, royal, scarlet, and white. Packed 12 to a box. 

(#C-SVY).  Youth. Please specify color $34.00 a dz.

(#C-SVM) Adult Please specify color $35.00 a dz.

Numbered 1-12 scrimmage vests  adult (#C-SVMWN) $38.00 dz.  Youth (# C-SVYWN) $35.00 dz.

 WITH NUMBERS- JUST THESE 4 COLORS  Gold, Kelly, Blue or Red.


Referree pinnie. (#C- NPRF) Black and white zebra stripes. Make a ref look like a ref. Min. of 3  6.25 each.

Whistles-Lanyards   Every waterfront counselor, basketball coach, etc. should have their own.  

The whistles that camps buy t dz.   

Lanyards(#C-126A Assorted colors $6.40 a dz,

Lanyards #C-126)  Choice of  red, gold, green blue, white or black $6.75 a dozen


Medium weight  cork pea  (#601)  $6.25 a dozen. Most popular for camps


Break-a-way lanyards. Black only. (#150)  $14.50 a dozen

(.#Fox-40 Classic) $4.55 ea. (min 6)     More than 12 $4.10 ea.            

Fox-40 Classic w/breakaway lanyard  $4.95 ea (min 6)    $4.75  ore than 12

Choice of Black, red, yellow, orange, pink, or blue

Tally Counter.


Make sure you get paid from the post season football players, marching bands, cheerleaders etc. 

Just click the button on the side of the counter and count them as they get off the bus or in the dining room.   

$5.10 ea.(#C-TC) .......See double pitch counter on baseball page


(#C-910) 1/100 second with lap counter. Daily alarm, hourly chime, big digit display, water

and shock resistant. Choice of Red, orange, yellow, green, blue or purple $6.85

(#C-910 SET)  Six watches, 6 different colors. $46.00




 6ft dia.    8 handles   $ 12.85  (#C-NP6 )

12; dia.   12 handles  $31.00  (C-NP12)

20ft dia.  16 handles  $ 58.50 (#C-NP20)

24ft dia.  20 handles  $ 89.10 (#C-NP24)

30ft dia. ,24 handles  $107.00(#C-NP30)


Tape Measures:

 Open Reel


165 ft. $18.50(#C-RF165)

200 ft. $21.00(#C-R200)

250ft.  $22.00.(#C-R250)

300ft.  $24.00 (#C-R300

400ft   $30.00 (#C-400)                    

Closed Reel


165 ft.  $14.00 (#C-F-165) 

200 ft.  18.50   (C#F-200) 

250 ft.  $21.00  (C#F-250)


Power Megaphones:  All megaphones have volume control and sirens. 

All require batteries (not included)


(# MP8W) 800 Yards 8-12 watts  adjustable volume, shoulder strap, siren $72.00

(#C-MP12W) 1000 yd range,12- 25 watts, adjustable volume, , siren, shoulder strap   $81.00.

(#C-16W)120 yard range, hand held microphone, siren  $89.00





Laundry Bags- BALL BAGS

Heavy duty small mesh opening, drawstring cord. 

(#C-MB18) 12"x18" Good for small balls when larger bags below are too big. Same color choices  $2.42 Golf balls, baseballs lax balls, softballs   (#C-MB18SET) $16.50


 (C-MB21) 24"x36" Choice of black, gold, green, orange, navy, royal or scarlet.  $4.50 each.


OR  24"x36"(#C-MB21SET) 6 bags, 6 colors Gold, green orange, purple, royal & scarlet. $23.00.


24" x 48" (#C-MB22) Choice of white, black, gold, green, orange, navy, royal or scarlet $5.25 each.

OR (#C-MB22SET) 6 bags 6 colors Gold green, orange, purple, royal and scarlet $28.00

                                        MORE BAGS CLICK ON BAG PAGE  


Saucer Cones. 9” wide $.70 ea. (#C-SCX) (min. of 12) yellow, orange, red, blue or green.

Large 12" saucer cones Orange or yellow only. (#C-LDC) $2.20 ea. Min 12.b

Saucer cone carrier. Holds 200 cones (#C-SCR) $3.75

Cones. Light weight


(C-TC18) 18"$5.70 ea.  

C-TC15)15”   $3.65 ea.  

(C-TC12) 12” $2.42 ea .  

(C- TC9)  9”   $1.45 ea.


Heavy weight. Flexible to bend and still retain shape. Weighted cones won't blow over.  Reinforced top eliminates tearing.    

One piece construction. Holes in top of cones. Highway dept style.

(#C-C6OR) 6"   $3.10 

(#C-C12OR) 12" $7.80  

(#C-C180R) 18" $12.65

(#C-C28OR) 28" $19.50

  Above  All Orange


For  C-12" only. Cones are available in colors.  Yellow, green, blue & purple. $8.00 per cone


 1" diameter. Manila rope w/ looped ends. I sell them (50') but not recommended as they are too small.  

75ft  same as above   (#C-TWR75) 75.00 Recommended size for camps

100ft  same as above (#C-TWR100) $86.00  Figure  10' back on each side of  center line.

About 18"-24" per  campers to figure how  many feet y0u want.




 <<<<<<<<Soft Foam Hockey sticks. Rhino Skin*Heads, 30"  flexable plastic shaft, 10 sticks (5 blue & 5 yellow with 7" foam ball and one  puck puck)    (#C-HS10SET) $107.00


We also have  scooter hockey sticks 12 sticks two colors with puck and ball (#SHS1) $28.00

 Scooters on Fun and Games page

Click Here for Mylec Hockey Equipment

Pillo Polo. 24 long sticks have Rhino skin coated heads.. 12 Sticks- 2 colors with two 7" foam balls

(#C-PXSET)   $109.00


                    LADDER  BALL GAME   

Earn points by throwing balls at colored rung targets.

Two 1" plastic ladders.  

33" deep base for stability. Includes 6 bolos with weighed sponge golf balls. Includes carry case. 22" W x39" Deep

(#C-LGSTSET)  $34.00


$43.00 Same above  but with extra wide base for added stability


Frisbee Toss. Use inside or out. Opening is 14”x 30”. Height can be adjusted from 24” to 34” or 36”.  Fill base with water or sand.   PVC pipe. $42.00. Great activity for frisbee or nerf football. Buy4 @$40.00  ea.  Buy 4 or more @$38.00 each. (#C-FSGAME)




(#C-CG200) Eight phenolic resin balls.  One phenolic resin ball. ( Pallino)

Comes with durable weather resistant 1680 Denier nylon bag. Ideal for play on

all surfaces. Complete set of rules  $82.00



( #C-ISH100) $45.00

Four steel   2.5lb horseshoes. Two solid steel 24" long stakes.

Two silver & two bronze

Reusable  heavy duty nylon carry case.


(#C-IHS20)   Four 2.3lb horseshoes. Lighter carrying case than above. $40.00

Two solid steel stakes