Tennis Ball Order Form
Print out this page, fill out and Fax it back to me @ (518) 329-1582
200 to 300 balls cost $.42 ea. 400 balls cost $.40 ea. 500 balls cost $.38ea. 600-1500 cost $.37 ea.
2019 We are going to be in short supply this year. Better order early as we will run out as we did last year
We desire___________tennis balls at $.________each. Total $____
Please note: These are used tennis balls and are great for a counselor that hits ball over the net for campers to hit back for practice and pitching machines. Tennis instructors, college players are used to be playing with NEW BALLS. They sometimes don't remember they are teaching children to play tennis. These balls can be use for games but are not new. We sell over 50,000 balls to camps each summer. Most camps that buy them, are re- buying the next year as they are great for children learning tennis. For tournaments and advanced players, camps buy new balls. The cost is 2 1/2 to 3 times more than used balls. Go to Wal-mart for new balls. CHECK OUT BALL PAGE AT BOTTOM FOR NEW QUICK START TEACHING TENNIS BALLS.
Name of Camp________________________Address to be shipped____________________________________
City___________________ State___ _Zip_______Winter phone(_____)____-______If NYS Camp, list County___________
Summer Phone (______) _______-_______ Winter fax(_______)_______-_________Order made by__________________
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